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Elder Kirk Ahrens |
Hola mi familia!
Wow this has been a good week. Slow at times, but a good week.
Well as you know last week we trekked up West Mountain one of the member's jacked up Ford Excursion. West
Mountain is now covered in snow so it would be pretty sweet to go up it now!
So we actually had 2 exchanges this week! We had an exchange with the River Stake Spanish Elders. This time I was paired up with Elder Ramos. He is a big, burley Alaskan. He's super cool and we work well together. We had a few appointments, made some return appointments, and taught some lessons. We get along great so there was never a dull moment between us. That night we had Stake Missionary Correlation meeting. I took the lead and we had a great meeting. Finally, we had ALL of the ward mission leaders in attendance. It was great!
We finished the following day with the exchange, had District Training Meeting then proceeded to do an
exchange with the Zone Leaders. I went with Elder Jiles who is awesome. We had a good time, rode our bikes
around town, made some appointments, visited some leaders, and taught some great lessons. A highlight of our evening was when we visited a brother who has a very interesting past. He grew up in Vegas, decided to turned his life around, left a foster home, and returned to live with his parents. He's had a rough life.
Once we finished with that, I went back to my area to find out that my companion had been stricken with a deadly disease....not really but he has a hacking cough and very congested...so I've been doing my very best
to stay out of his way so I don't get sick.
That night we had our own little Halloween party! We gathered together as a district at a chapel, with plenty of blankets and pillows, pulled the lounge couches and arm chairs into the gym, and enjoyed each other's company. It was very cool. A sister in the area, who is totally awesome, hooked us up with Sloppy Joes, Utah Jello, chips, brownies, pumpkin choco chip cookies, pink lemonade, and fruit punch. So we were seriously livin large that night!
We had an early morning Sunday with a long day ahead of us. Got ready, and headed over to the Spanish Fork West Stake Center. We were invited to attend the Stake Presidency meeting and discuss our missionary efforts to the stake. We also issued them a challenge to get a name for us to visit. Following that we attended a ward council meeting. Shared a quick message about making and keeping commitments. After that we finished up there we went to one of the wards we preside over.
Following that at 11 o clock, we were invited to attend High Priest Group Meeting in the 3rd Ward. We shared with them a very powerful message about prophets and also about the Book Of Mormon. The spirit was so strong and it was awesome! We issued a challenge at the end to everyone asking them to hand out 1 Book of Mormon to a friend or acquaintance. It was such a neat experience being in the same room as so many strong, valiant, powerful Melchizedek Priesthood holders.
Following that we went and taught Relief Society. LOL
After that we had a lesson and then we went on to another Stake Missionary Correlation meeting. That night we had several cancellations and ended up missing out on BYU Vocal Point at one of our local Stake Centers. I was bummed. Oh well. What a memorable long week!
Anyways, that's all folks! I look forward to hearing from y'all!
Love you all tons!
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